Training: Elevation Control 29/09

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This session focuses on mastering Cha-cha steps and refining your technique for smooth transitions, rhythm control, and partner connection. You'll learn key elements such as footwork precision, timing, and how to seamlessly incorporate Cha-cha into Kizomba Fusion. Perfect for improving your musicality and body movement in dance.
The core sections of the training are:

KIZ ABC – A detailed explanation of "Cha cha" as one of fundamental elements of Kizomba Fusion.
KIZ FIT – A warm-up and individual exercises incorporating the ABC element, focusing on body conditioning and fitness training, while also learning Kizomba Fusion steps. This section helps improve body coordination and muscle memory.
Combination Demo – A demonstration showing how the steps and movements from the KIZ FIT section can be applied in couple dancing.
Exercises and Musicality – Less intense than KIZ FIT, these exercises focus on refining techniques and precision in steps and movements. This section emphasizes combining steps with musicality.